Do a make install That's it. If the machine has an AMD64 CPU that has the popcnt instruction, you can uncomment the following line in makefile: #FXT_CXXFLAGS += -DHAVE_AMD64_POPCNT By default, things are installed under /usr/local/lib/ (library) /usr/local/include/fxt/ (header files) The install directory can be changed as follows, make install PREFIX=/some/dir/ will install things under /some/dir/lib/ (library) /some/dir/include/fxt/ (header files) Note that the directories /some/dir/ /some/dir/include/ have to exists before the installation. You need the permissions to write in the directories /some/dir/ /some/dir/include/ In doubt, do the installation as root. ----------------------------- To run a demo program, do, for example: make 1demo DSRC=demo/comb/ Change the file name for the demo you want to compile and run. If you want to compile and run all demos, do make demo This should give a good indication about how smoothly fxt compiles on your machine. It will also take some time. -----------------------------