// -*- C++ -*- // automatically generated by autodoc // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/binomial.h: ========== inline ulong binomial(ulong n, ulong k); // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/cayley-dickson-mult.h: ========== inline int CD_sign_rec(ulong r, ulong c, ulong n); // Signs in the multiplication table for the // algebra of n-ions (where n is a power of 2) // that is obtained by the Cayley-Dickson construction: // If component r is multiplied with component c, then the // result is CD_sign_rec(r,c,n) * (r XOR c). // Multiplication rule is // (a,b) * (A,b) = (a*A - B*conj(b), conj(a)*B + A*b) // where conj(a,b) := (conj(a), -b) and conj(x):=x for x real // [ Transposed rule/table is obtained if rule is changed to // (a,b) * (A,b) = (a*A - conj(B)*b, b*conj(A) + B*a) ] // Must have: r < n and c < n. // We have ex * e0 = e0 * ex = ex, and ex * ex = -1 for x != 0, // and ex * ey == -ey * ex for x != y, x != 0, y != 0 // Example (octionions, n==8): // (er*ec) e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 // e0: +e0 +e1 +e2 +e3 +e4 +e5 +e6 +e7 // e1: +e1 -e0 -e3 +e2 -e5 +e4 +e7 -e6 // e2: +e2 +e3 -e0 -e1 -e6 -e7 +e4 +e5 // e3: +e3 -e2 +e1 -e0 -e7 +e6 -e5 +e4 // // e4: +e4 +e5 +e6 +e7 -e0 -e1 -e2 -e3 // e5: +e5 -e4 +e7 -e6 +e1 -e0 +e3 -e2 // e6: +e6 -e7 -e4 +e5 +e2 -e3 -e0 +e1 // e7: +e7 +e6 -e5 -e4 +e3 +e2 -e1 -e0 // Signs at row r, column c equal CD_sign_rec(r,c,8): // + + + + + + + + // + - - + - + + - // + + - - - - + + // + - + - - + - + // + + + + - - - - // + - + - + - + - // + - - + + - - + // + + - - + + - - // This is a (8 x 8) Hadamard matrix. // The second row is the (signed) Thue-Morse sequence, // see OEIS sequences A118685, A010060, and A106400. inline int CD_sign_it(ulong r, ulong c, ulong n); // iterative version of CD_sign_rec() inline bool CD_zerodiv_q(ulong r, ulong c); // Return whether (r+c) where r and c are units // is a zero divisor in the Cayley-Dickson algebra. // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/cmult.h: ========== static inline void csqr(double &u, double &v); // {u,v} <--| {u*u-v*v, 2*u*v} static inline void csqr_n(double &u, double &v, double dn); // {u,v} <--| {dn*(u*u-v*v), dn*(2*u*v)} static inline void csqr(double a, double b,; double &u, double &v) // {u,v} <--| {a*a-b*b, 2*a*b} static inline void cmult(double c, double s,; double &u, double &v) // {u,v} <--| u = u*c-v*s; v = u*s+v*c static inline void cmult_n(double c, double s,; double &u, double &v, double dn) // {u,v} <--| {dn*(u*c-v*s), dn*(u*s+v*c)} static inline void cmult(double c, double s,; double x, double y, double &u, double &v) // {u,v} <--| {x*c-y*s, x*s+y*c} static inline void cmult(double c, double s,; Complex x, Complex y, Complex &u, Complex &v) // {u,v} <--| {x*c-y*s, x*s+y*c} // used in generated complex fhts static inline void cmult(Complex c, Complex s,; Complex x, Complex y, Complex &u, Complex &v) // {u,v} <--| {x*c-y*s, x*s+y*c} // used in generated complex fhts static inline void cmult_inv(double c, double s,; double x, double y, double &u, double &v) // {u,v} <--| {x*c+y*s, -x*s+y*c} // same as cmult(c, -s, x, y, u, v) static inline void cmult_inv(double c, double s,; Complex x, Complex y, Complex &u, Complex &v) // {u,v} <--| {x*c+y*s, -x*s+y*c} // same as cmult(c, -s, x, y, u, v) // used in generated complex fhts static inline void cmult_inv(Complex c, Complex s,; Complex x, Complex y, Complex &u, Complex &v) // {u,v} <--| {x*c+y*s, -x*s+y*c} // same as cmult(c, -s, x, y, u, v) // used in generated complex fhts // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/csincos.h: ========== static inline Complex SinCos(double phi); // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/factorial.h: ========== inline Type factorial(Type n); // Return n! //. // For n<=12 n! fits into 32 bits. // For n<=20 n! fits into 64 bits. // For n<=34 n! fits into 128 bits. // For n<=57 n! fits into 256 bits. inline Type ffactpow(Type x, Type n); // Falling factorial power. inline Type rfactpow(Type x, Type n); // Rising factorial power. // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/fibonacci.h: ========== inline ulong fibonacci(ulong n); // Return the n-th Fibonacci number // Limitation: F(n) must fit into ulong // 32 bit: n<=47, F(47)=2971215073 [F(48)=4807526976 > 2^32] // 64 bit: n<=93 F(93)=12200160415121876738 [F(94) > 2^64] inline void fibonacci_pair(ulong n, ulong &f0, ulong &f1); // Set f0 to F(n), the n-th Fibonacci number, and // f1 to the F(n-1). // Limitation: F(n) must fit into ulong // 32 bit: n<=47, F(47)=2971215073 [F(48)=4807526976 > 2^32] // 64 bit: n<=93 F(93)=12200160415121876738 [F(94) > 2^64] // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/gcd.h: ========== Type gcd(Type a, Type b); // Return greatest common divisor of a and b. Type egcd(Type u, Type v, Type &tu1, Type &tu2); // Return u3 and set u1,v1 so that // gcd(u,v) == u3 == u*u1 + v*u2 // Type must be a signed type. //. // Cf. Knuth2, p.325 Type binary_ugcd(Type a, Type b); // Return greatest common divisor of a and b. // Version for unsigned types. Type binary_sgcd(Type a, Type b); // Return greatest common divisor of a and b. // Version for signed types. Type lcm(Type a, Type b); // Return least common multiple of a and b. // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/ipow.h: ========== Type1 ipow(Type1 a, Type2 ex); // Return a**ex // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/ldn2rc.h: ========== static inline void ldn2rc(ulong ldn, ulong &nr, ulong &nc); // Input ldn := log_2(n) // nr, nc are set so that nr*nc = n and ldr>=ldc // Used in matrix-fft based convolution. // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/print-fixed.h: ========== // ----- SRCFILE=src/aux0/print-fixed.cc: ----- void print_fixed(const char *bla, double v, long nd, bool sq); // Print exactly nd digits of v // Print sign if sq!=0 // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/rand-idx.h: ========== inline ulong rand_idx(ulong m); // Return random number in the range [0, 1, ..., m-1]. // Must have m>0. // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/randf.h: ========== // ----- SRCFILE=src/aux0/randf.cc: ----- uint rseed(uint s/*=0*/); double rnd01(); // Random number in [0,1[ void rnd01(double *f, ulong n); // Fill with random numbers in [0,1[ double white_noise(); // Return one sample of white noise (with mean=0, sigma=1). void white_noise(double *f, ulong n); // Fill array with samples of white noise (with mean=0, sigma=1). // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/sincos.h: ========== static inline void SinCos(double a, double *s, double *c); static inline void SinCos(double a, double *s, double *c); static inline void SinCos(double a, double *s, double *c); // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/sumdiff.h: ========== static inline void sumdiff(Type &a, Type &b); // {a, b} <--| {a+b, a-b} static inline void sumdiff_r(Type &a, Type &b); // {a, b} <--| {b+a, b-a} // Up to scaling (by a factor 2) the inverse of diffsum(a,b). static inline void sumdiff05(Type &a, Type &b); // {a, b} <--| {0.5*(a+b), 0.5*(a-b)} static inline void sumdiff05_r(Type &a, Type &b); // {a, b} <--| {0.5*(a+b), 0.5*(b-a)} static inline void diffsum(Type &a, Type &b); // {a, b} <--| {a-b, a+b} // Up to scaling (by a factor 2) the inverse of sumdiff_r(a,b). static inline void sumdiff(Type a, Type b, Type &s, Type &d); // {s, d} <--| {a+b, a-b} static inline void sumdiff05(Type a, Type b, Type &s, Type &d); // {s, d} <--| {0.5*(a+b), 0.5*(a-b)} static inline void sumdiff3(Type &a, Type b, Type &d); // {a, b, d} <--| {a+b, b, a-b} (used in split-radix FFTs) // NEVER call like func(a,b,a) or func(a,b,b) static inline void sumdiff3_r(Type &a, Type b, Type &d); // {a,b,d} <--| {a+b, b, b-a} (used in split-radix FFTs) // NEVER call like func(a,b,a) or func(a,b,b) static inline void diffsum3(Type a, Type &b, Type &s); // {a, b, s} <--| {a, a-b, a+b} (used in split-radix FFTs) // NEVER call like func(a,b,a) or func(a,b,b) static inline void diffsum3_r(Type a, Type &b, Type &s); // {a, b, s} <--| {a, b-a, a+b} (used in split-radix FFTs) // NEVER call like func(a,b,a) or func(a,b,b) // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/swap.h: ========== static inline void swap2(Type &x, Type &y); // swap values static inline void swap0(Type &x, Type &y); // swap() for y known to be zero // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/tex-line.h: ========== // ----- SRCFILE=src/aux0/tex-line.cc: ----- void tex_line(long x0, long y0, long x1, long y1, bool vq/*=true*/); // Print TeX command to draw vector (or line) from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). // Set vq to draw lines as vectors. // For \line(dx, dy){length} and \vector(dx, dy}{length} // Note: For \line(dx, dy){length} and \vector(dx, dy}{length} // the argument 'length' is the VERTICAL coordinate for // vertical line segments, else the HORIZONTAL coordinate. inline void tex_line(ulong x0, ulong y0, ulong x1, ulong y1, bool vq=true); void tex_line_fl(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, bool vq/*=true*/); // Print TeX command to draw vector (or line) from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). // Set vq to draw lines as vectors. // Note: For \line(dx, dy){length} and \vector(dx, dy}{length} // the argument 'length' is the VERTICAL coordinate for // vertical line segments, else the HORIZONTAL coordinate. void tex_draw_turn(double x, double y, double dx, double dy, double ndx, double ndy, ulong style, bool vq/*=true*/, double m/*=0.25*/); // Draw the part of the turn from // X1=(x, y) over X2=(x+dx, y+dy) to X3=(x+ndx, y+ndy) // as indicated below. // NX == X + DX : // * X2 * X3 : // * X1 \ : // X / \ == NX + NDX : // ========== HEADER FILE src/aux0/version.h: ========== // ----- SRCFILE=src/aux0/version.cc: ----- void print_fxt_version(); // Print fxt version (by date), compile time, and flags.