// -*- C++ -*- // automatically generated by autodoc // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/complexconvolution.h: ========== // Complex convolution: // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fftcocnvl.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #define USE_SPLRX 0 // whether split-radix DIF/DIT FFTs are used (default=0) #if ( USE_SPLRX==1 ) //#warning 'FYI: complex_(auto)_convolution() use split-radix FFTs' #define DIT_FFT_CORE split_radix_fft_dit_core // isign = -1 #define DIF_FFT_CORE split_radix_fft_dif_core // isign = +1 #else //#warning 'FYI: complex_(auto)_convolution() use radix-4 FFTs' #define DIT_FFT_CORE fft_dit4_core_m1 // isign = -1 #define DIF_FFT_CORE fft_dif4_core_p1 // isign = +1 #endif void fft_complex_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // (complex, cyclic) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // Use zero padded data for linear convolution. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // Supply a value for v if the normalization factor // shall differ from 1/n void fft_complex_convolution(Complex * restrict f, Complex * restrict g, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // (complex, cyclic) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // Use zero padded data for usual convolution. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // Supply a value for v if the normalization factor // shall differ from 1/n void fft_complex_auto_convolution(double * restrict fr, double * restrict fi, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // (complex, cyclic) self-convolution: // (fr, fi)[] := (fr, fi)[] (*) (fr, fi)[] // Use zero padded data for linear convolution. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // Supply a value for v if the normalization factor // shall differ from 1/n void fft_complex_convolution(double * restrict fr, double * restrict fi, double * restrict gr, double * restrict gi, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // (complex, cyclic) convolution: // (gr, gi)[] := (fr, fi)[] (*) (gr, gi)[] // Use zero padded data for usual convolution. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // Supply a value for v if the normalization factor // shall differ from 1/n // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/matrixfftcocnvla.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #define USE_OLD_ALGORITHM 0 // 0 (default, revbin_permute for transpose) or 1 #define USE_SPLRX 0 // whether split-radix DIF/DIT FFTs are used (default=0) // #if ( USE_OLD_ALGORITHM==1 ) //#warning "FYI: using simple algorithm for matrix_fft_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ...)" #else // USE_OLD_ALGORITHM //#warning "FYI: using revbin_permute for transpose for matrix_fft_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ...)" #if ( USE_SPLRX==1 ) //#warning 'FYI: matrix_fft_complex_auto_convolution() uses split-radix FFTs' #define DIT_FFT_CORE split_radix_fft_dit_core // isign = -1 #define DIF_FFT_CORE split_radix_fft_dif_core // isign = +1 #else //#warning 'FYI: matrix_fft_complex_auto_convolution() uses radix-4 FFTs' #define DIT_FFT_CORE fft_dit4_core_m1 // isign = -1 #define DIF_FFT_CORE fft_dif4_core_p1 // isign = +1 #endif #endif // USE_OLD_ALGORITHM void matrix_fft_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // (complex, cyclic) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void matrix_fft_auto_convolution0(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // (complex, linear) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*0) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // Input data must be zero padded: f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn, must be >=2 void matrix_fft_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ulong nr, ulong nc, int zp/*=0*/); // Auxiliary routine for complex self-convolutions via matrix FFT. // Call with zp==1 if high half of data is zero (for linear convolution). void matrix_fft_complex_auto_convolution(double *fr, double *fi, ulong ldn); // (complex, cyclic) self-convolution: // (fr, fi)[] := (fr, fi)[] (*) (fr, fi)[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. void matrix_fft_complex_auto_convolution0(double *fr, double *fi, ulong ldn); // (complex, linear) self-convolution: // (fr, fi)[] := (fr, fi)[] (*0) (fr, fi)[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // Input data must be zero padded: f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn, must be >=2 void matrix_fft_complex_auto_convolution(double *fr, double *fi, ulong nr, ulong nc, int zp/*=0*/); // Auxiliary routine for the computation of complex convolutions via matrix FFT. // Call with zp==1 if high half of data is zero (for linear convolution) // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/cfhtcnvlcore.cc: ----- void fht_convolution_core(const Complex * restrict f, Complex * restrict g, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for the computation of convolutions // via Fast Hartley Transforms. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization. void fht_convolution_revbin_permuted_core(const Complex * restrict f, Complex * restrict g, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for the computation of convolutions // via Fast Hartley Transforms. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization. // Same as fht_convolution_core() but with data access in revbin order. // This version avoids calls to revbin_permute(). // Same as: // revbin_permute(f, n); // revbin_permute(g, n); // fht_convolution_core(f, g, ldn); // revbin_permute(g, n); // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/cfhtcnvlacore.cc: ----- void fht_auto_convolution_core(Complex *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for the computation of self-convolutions // via Fast Hartley Transforms. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization void fht_auto_convolution_revbin_permuted_core(Complex *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for the computation of convolutions // via Fast Hartley Transforms. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization // Same as fht_auto_convolution_core() but with data access in revbin order. // This version avoids two calls to revbin_permute(). // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/cfhtcnvl.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #define USE_REVBIN_CORE // default: yes #ifdef USE_REVBIN_CORE //#warning 'FYI: fht_convolution(double *, ulong) using revbin_permuted_core' #else #warning 'fht_convolution(Complex *, ulong) using normal core' #endif void fht_convolution(Complex * restrict f, Complex * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void fht_convolution0(Complex * restrict f, Complex * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/cfhtcnvla.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #define USE_REVBIN_CORE // #ifdef USE_REVBIN_CORE //#warning 'FYI: fht_auto_convolution(double *, ulong) using revbin_permuted_core' #else #warning 'fht_auto_convolution(Complex *, ulong) using normal core' #endif void fht_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void fht_auto_convolution0(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*0) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // version for zero padded data: // f[k] == 0 for k=n/2 ... n-1 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/fhtmulsqr.h: ========== // Auxiliary routines for FHT based convolutions. static inline void fht_sqr(Type &xi, Type &xj, double v); // xi <-- v*( 2*xi*xj + xi*xi - xj*xj ) // xj <-- v*( 2*xi*xj - xi*xi + xj*xj ) static inline void fht_mul(Type xi, Type xj, Type &yi, Type &yj, double v); // yi <-- v*( (yi + yj)*xi + (yi - yj)*xj ) == v*( (xi + xj)*yi + (xi - xj)*yj ) // yj <-- v*( (-yi + yj)*xi + (yi + yj)*xj ) == v*( (-xi + xj)*yi + (xi + xj)*yj ) // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/realconvolution.h: ========== // REAL CONVOLUTION // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fhtcnvlcore.cc: ----- void fht_convolution_core(const double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for the computation of convolutions // via Fast Hartley Transforms. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization. void fht_convolution_revbin_permuted_core(const double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for the computation of convolutions // via Fast Hartley Transforms. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization. // Same as fht_convolution_core() but with data access in revbin order. // This version avoids calls to revbin_permute(). // Same as: // revbin_permute(f, n); // revbin_permute(g, n); // fht_convolution_core(f, g, ldn); // revbin_permute(g, n); // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fhtcnvlacore.cc: ----- void fht_auto_convolution_core(double *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for the computation of self-convolutions // via Fast Hartley Transforms. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization void fht_auto_convolution_revbin_permuted_core(double *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for the computation of convolutions // via Fast Hartley Transforms. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization // Same as fht_auto_convolution_core() but with data access in revbin order. // This version avoids two calls to revbin_permute(). // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fhtcnvl.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #define USE_REVBIN_CORE // default: yes #ifdef USE_REVBIN_CORE //#warning 'FYI: fht_convolution(double *, ulong) using revbin_permuted_core' #else #warning 'fht_convolution(double *, ulong) using normal core' #endif void fht_convolution(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void fht_convolution0(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fhtcnvla.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #define USE_REVBIN_CORE // #ifdef USE_REVBIN_CORE //#warning 'FYI: fht_auto_convolution(double *, ulong) using revbin_permuted_core' #else #warning 'fht_auto_convolution(double *, ulong) using normal core' #endif void fht_auto_convolution(double *f, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void fht_auto_convolution0(double *f, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*0) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // version for zero padded data: // f[k] == 0 for k=n/2 ... n-1 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fhtloccnvl.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #define USE_REVBIN_CORE // default: yes #define ZP_USE_REVBIN_CORE // default: yes void loc_fht_convolution(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void loc_fht_convolution0(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fhtloccnvla.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #define USE_REVBIN_CORE // default: yes #define ZP_USE_REVBIN_CORE // default: yes void loc_fht_auto_convolution(double *f, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void loc_fht_auto_convolution0(double *f, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*0) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // version for zero padded data: // f[k] == 0 for k=n/2 ... n-1 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fftcnvl.cc: ----- void fht_fft_convolution(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void split_radix_fft_convolution(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 void fht_fft_convolution0(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 void split_radix_fft_convolution0(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 void fft_convolution_core1(const double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for FFT based convolutions. // Supply a value for v for a normalization factor != 1/n void fft_convolution_core2(const double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // Auxiliary routine for FFT based convolutions. // Supply a value for v for a normalization factor != 1/n // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fftcnvla.cc: ----- void fht_fft_auto_convolution(double *f, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void split_radix_fft_auto_convolution(double *f, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void fht_fft_auto_convolution0(double *f, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*0) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // input data must be zero padded: f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 void split_radix_fft_auto_convolution0(double *f, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*0) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // input data must be zero padded: f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 void fft_auto_convolution_core1(double *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // auxiliary routine for FFT based (real) self-convolutions // supply a value for v for a normalization factor != 1/n void fft_auto_convolution_core2(double *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // aux // auxiliary routine for FFT based (real) self-convolutions // supply a value for v for a normalization factor != 1/n // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/twodimfhtcnvl.cc: ----- inline void fht_cnvl_core_core(const double *fp, const double *fm, double *gp, double *gm); // aux // auxiliary routine for twodim_fht_convolution_core() void twodim_fht_convolution_core(const double *f, double *g, ulong nr, ulong nc); // aux // convolution core for 2dim convolution using FHT // nr := number of rows // nc := number of columns // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/matrixfftcnvla.cc: ----- void matrix_fft_auto_convolution(double *f, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void matrix_fft_auto_convolution0(double *f, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*0) f[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // version for zero padded data: // f[k] == 0 for k=n/2 ... n-1 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 // tuning parameter, define to use scratch space: #define CP_ROWS // default on, avoids cache problems void matrix_fft_auto_convolution(double *f, ulong nr, ulong nc, int zp/*=0*/); // auxiliary routine for real self-convolutions via matrix FFT // call with zp==1 if high half of data is zero (for linear convolution) // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/matrixfftcnvl.cc: ----- void matrix_fft_convolution(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (cyclic, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length void matrix_fft_convolution0(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // (linear, real) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 // n = 2**ldn must be >=2 // tuning parameter: #define CP_ROWS 1 // 0 or 1 (use scratch space, default) void matrix_fft_convolution(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong nr, ulong nc, int zp/*=0*/); // auxiliary routine for real convolutions via matrix FFT // call with zp==1 if high half of data is zero (for linear convolution) // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/slowcnvl-lin.h: ========== void slow_linear_convolution(const Type *f, const Type *g, Type *h, ulong n); // Linear (acyclic) convolution. // n := array length of a[] and b[] // The array h[] must have 2*n elements. // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/slowcnvl.h: ========== void slow_convolution(const Type *f, const Type *g, Type *h, ulong n); // (cyclic) convolution: h[] := f[] (*) g[] // n := array length void slow_auto_convolution(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong n); // (cyclic) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // n := array length void slow_convolution(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong n); // (cyclic) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // n := array length void slow_auto_convolution(Type *f, ulong n); // (cyclic) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*) f[] // n := array length // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/slowcnvla.h: ========== void slow_convolution0(const Type *f, const Type *g, Type *h, ulong n); // (linear) convolution: h[] := f[] (*0) g[] // n := array length // Input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 void slow_auto_convolution0(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong n); // (linear) self-convolution: g[] := f[] (*0) g[] // n := array length // Input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 // n must be >=2 void slow_convolution0(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong n); // (linear) convolution: g[] := f[] (*0) g[] // n := array length // // input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 and g[n/2] .. g[n-1] == 0 // n must be >=2 void slow_auto_convolution0(Type *f, ulong n); // (linear) self-convolution: g[] := f[] (*0) g[] // n := array length // Input data must be zero padded: // f[n/2] .. f[n-1] == 0 // n must be >=2 // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/slowcnvlhalf.h: ========== void slow_half_convolution(const Type *f, const Type *g, Type *h, ulong n, int h01); // Half cyclic convolution. // Part determined by h01 which must be 0 or 1. // n := array length void slow_half_auto_convolution(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong n, int h01); // Half cyclic self-convolution. // Part determined by h01 which must be 0 or 1. // n := array length // (cyclic) convolution: g[] := f[] (*) g[] // n := array length void slow_half_convolution(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong n, int h01); // Half cyclic convolution. // Part determined by h01 which must be 0 or 1. // n := array length void slow_half_auto_convolution(Type *f, ulong n, int h01); // Half cyclic self-convolution. // Part determined by h01 which must be 0 or 1. // n := array length // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/slowconvolution.h: ========== // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/slowcocnvl.cc: ----- void slow_complex_convolution(const double *fr, const double *fi, double *gr, double *gi, ulong n); // (cyclic, complex) convolution: (gr, gi)[] := (fr,fi)[] (*) (gr,gi)[] // (use zero padded data for linear convolution) void slow_complex_auto_convolution(double *fr, double *fi, ulong n); // (cyclic, complex) self-convolution: (fr,fi)[] := (fr,fi)[] (*) (fr,fi)[] // (use zero padded data for linear convolution) // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/slowtwodimcnvl.h: ========== void slow_twodim_convolution(const Type *f, const Type *g,; Type * restrict h, ulong nr, ulong nc) // (cyclic) two-dimensional convolution: h[][] := f[][] (*) g[][] // nr := number of rows, nc := number of columns // Use zero padded data for linear convolution. void slow_twodim_convolution(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong nr, ulong nc); // (cyclic) two-dimensional convolution: g[][] := f[][] (*) g[][] // nr := number of rows, nc := number of columns // Use zero padded data for linear convolution. // f may overlap with g // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/slowweightedcnvl.h: ========== void slow_weighted_convolution(const Type *f, const Type *g, Type *h, ulong n, Type w); // Weighted (cyclic) convolution: h[] := f[] (*)_w g[] // n := array length void slow_weighted_auto_convolution(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong n); // Weighted (cyclic) convolution: g[] := f[] (*)_w g[] // n := array length void slow_weighted_convolution(const Type *f, Type *g, ulong n); // Weighted (cyclic) convolution: g[] := f[] (*)_w g[] // n := array length void slow_weighted_auto_convolution(Type *f, ulong n); // Weighted (cyclic) self-convolution: f[] := f[] (*)_w f[] // n := array length // ========== HEADER FILE src/convolution/weightedconvolution.h: ========== // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/fhtnegacnvl.cc: ----- void fht_negacyclic_auto_convolution(double *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // Negacyclic (real) self-convolution using FHT. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization. void fht_negacyclic_convolution(double * restrict f, double * restrict g, ulong ldn); // Negacyclic (real) convolution using FHT. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // ----- SRCFILE=src/convolution/weightedconv.cc: ----- void weighted_complex_auto_convolution(double *fr, double *fi, ulong ldn, double w, double v/*=0.0*/); // w = weight: // +0.25 for right angle convolution (-0.25 negates result in fi[]) // +0.5 for negacyclic convolution (also -0.5) // +1.0 for cyclic convolution (also -1.0) // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization void negacyclic_complex_auto_convolution(double *fr, double *fi, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // negacyclic autoconvolution of fr[], fi[] // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization void right_angle_complex_auto_convolution(double *fr, double *fi, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // right angle autoconvolution of fr[], fi[] // useful if fi[] all zero: then the result is the // acyclic autoconvolution of fr[] // result is in fr[] (index 0, 1, ..., n-1) and fi[] (index n, ..., 2*n-1) // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization void weighted_complex_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ulong ldn, double w, double v/*=0.0*/); // w = weight: // +0.25 for right angle convolution (-0.25 negates result in fi[]) // +0.5 for negacyclic convolution (also -0.5) // +1.0 for cyclic convolution (also -1.0) // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization void negacyclic_complex_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // negacyclic autoconvolution of f[] // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization void right_angle_complex_auto_convolution(Complex *f, ulong ldn, double v/*=0.0*/); // right angle autoconvolution of f[] // v!=0.0 chooses alternative normalization