#DIR@ short description @ Longer description. arith@ arithmetical algorithms @ Arithmetical algorithms like CORDIC and powering. bits@ bit wizardry @ Bit fiddling routines. comb@ combinatorics @ Combinatorial objects like combinations, permutations, Gray codes, partitions and necklaces. ds@ data structures @ Data structures like FIFO, heap and deque. fft@ fast Fourier and Walsh transform @ Fast Fourier and Walsh transform. gf2n@ binary polynomials and finite fields @ Binary polynomials, finite fields GF(2^n) and shift registers. graph@ graph search @ Searching directed graphs, mostly to find combinatorial objects. mod@ modular arithmetics @ Modular arithmetics and number theory. perm@ permutations @ Routines for computations with permutations. seq@ integer sequences @ Integer sequences by OEIS number, see http://oeis.org/. sort@ sorting and searching @ Sorting and searching: quick sort, radix sort and binary search.