// -*- C++ -*- // automatically generated by autodoc // ========== HEADER FILE src/fht/fht-default.h: ========== // Default FHT implementations: inline void fht(double *f, ulong ldn); inline void fht(Complex *f, ulong ldn); inline void fht0(double *f, ulong ldn); inline void fht0(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // ========== HEADER FILE src/fht/fht.h: ========== // General format of arguments: (double *f, ulong ldn) // f := pointer to data array, // ldn := base 2 log of array length (length n=2**n) // // A routine some_func0(...) (note the '0') // expects input data with upper half zeros ('zero padded' data). // // Data in the arrays without const modifier is generally modified. // // A comment 'aux' at the line end marks functions that are // called by other routines and might not be of direct use // for users of the library // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/fhtdit.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: // define to use trig recurrence: // (and possibly lose some precision, see below) //#define USE_TRIG_REC // with type 'long double' slight speed loss on my machine, // with type 'double' little speed gain. // tuning parameter: #define INITIAL_RADIX_16 1 // 0 or 1 (default) // #if ( INITIAL_RADIX_16==1 ) //#warning 'FYI: INITIAL_RADIX_16 set in fht_dit(double *, ulong)' #else #warning 'INITIAL_RADIX_16 is NOT SET in fht_dit(double *, ulong)' #endif void fht_dit_core(double *f, ulong ldn); // aux // Decimation in time (DIT) FHT. // Input data must be in revbin_permuted order. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. void fht_dit(double *f, ulong ldn); // Fast Hartley Transform. // Split-radix decimation in time (DIT) algorithm. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/fhtdif.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: // define to use trig recurrence: // (and possibly lose some precision, see below) //#define USE_TRIG_REC // with type 'long double' slight speed loss on my machine, // with type 'double' little speed gain. // #if defined USE_TRIG_REC //#warning 'fht(double *, ulong) uses trig recursion' #endif // tuning parameter: #define FINAL_RADIX_16 1 // 0 or 1 (default) // #if ( FINAL_RADIX_16==1 ) //#warning 'FYI: FINAL_RADIX_16 set in fht_dif(double *, ulong)' #else #warning 'FINAL_RADIX_16 is NOT SET in fht_dif(double *, ulong)' #endif void fht_dif_core(double *f, ulong ldn); // aux // Decimation in frequency (DIF) FHT. // Output data is in revbin_permuted order. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. void fht_dif(double *f, ulong ldn); // Fast Hartley Transform // Split-radix decimation in frequency (DIF) algorithm. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/cfhtdit.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: // define to use trig recurrence: // (and possibly lose some precision, see below) //#define USE_TRIG_REC // with type 'long double' slight speed loss on my machine, // with type 'double' little speed gain. // tuning parameter: #define INITIAL_RADIX_16 1 // 0 or 1 (default) // #if ( INITIAL_RADIX_16==1 ) //#warning 'FYI: INITIAL_RADIX_16 set in fht_dit(double *, ulong)' #else #warning 'INITIAL_RADIX_16 is NOT SET in fht_dit(Complex *, ulong)' #endif void fht_dit_core(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // aux // Decimation in time (DIT) FHT. // Input data must be in revbin_permuted order. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. void fht_dit(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // Fast Hartley Transform. // Split-radix decimation in time (DIT) algorithm. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/cfhtdif.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: // define to use trig recurrence: // (and possibly lose some precision, see below) //#define USE_TRIG_REC // with type 'long double' slight speed loss on my machine, // with type 'double' little speed gain. // #if defined USE_TRIG_REC //#warning 'fht(double *, ulong) uses trig recursion' #endif // tuning parameter: #define FINAL_RADIX_16 1 // 0 or 1 (default) // #if ( FINAL_RADIX_16==1 ) //#warning 'FYI: FINAL_RADIX_16 set in fht_dif(double *, ulong)' #else #warning 'FINAL_RADIX_16 is NOT SET in fht_dif(Complex *, ulong)' #endif void fht_dif_core(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // aux // Decimation in frequency (DIF) FHT. // Output data is in revbin_permuted order. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. void fht_dif(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // Fast Hartley Transform // Split-radix decimation in frequency (DIF) algorithm. // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/fht0.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #if defined USE_TRIG_REC //#warning 'FYI: fht0(double *, ulong) uses trig recursion' #endif // tuning parameter: #define INITIAL_RADIX_16 1 // 0 or 1 (default) // #if ( INITIAL_RADIX_16==1 ) //#warning 'FYI: INITIAL_RADIX_16 set in fht0(double *, ulong)' #else #warning 'INITIAL_RADIX_16 is NOT SET in fht0(double *, ulong)' #endif void fht0_dit(double *f, ulong ldn); // Fast Hartley Transform // Version for zero padded data: // fr[k],fi[k] == 0 for k=n/2 ... n-1 // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // Split-radix decimation in time (DIT) algorithm. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/cfht0.cc: ----- // tuning parameter: #if defined USE_TRIG_REC //#warning 'FYI: fht0(double *, ulong) uses trig recursion' #endif // tuning parameter: #define INITIAL_RADIX_16 1 // 0 or 1 (default) // #if ( INITIAL_RADIX_16==1 ) //#warning 'FYI: INITIAL_RADIX_16 set in fht0(double *, ulong)' #else #warning 'INITIAL_RADIX_16 is NOT SET in fht0(Complex *, ulong)' #endif void fht0_dit(Complex *f, ulong ldn); // Fast Hartley Transform // Version for zero padded data: // fr[k],fi[k] == 0 for k=n/2 ... n-1 // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length. // Split-radix decimation in time (DIT) algorithm. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/fhtdit2.cc: ----- void fht_depth_first_dit2(double *f, ulong ldn); // Radix-2 decimation in time (DIT) FHT. // Depth-first version. // Compared to usual fht this one // - does more trig computations // - is (far) better memory local void fht_dit2(double *f, ulong ldn); // Radix-2 decimation in time (DIT) FHT. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/fhtdif2.cc: ----- void fht_depth_first_dif2(double *f, ulong ldn); // Radix-2 decimation in frequency (DIF) FHT // Depth-first version. // Compared to usual FHT this one // - does more trig computations // - is (far) better memory local void fht_dif2(double *f, ulong ldn); // Radix-2 decimation in frequency (DIF) FHT // -------- Spectrum: // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/fhtspect.cc: ----- void fht_spectrum(double *f, ulong ldn, int phasesq/*=0*/); // Compute power spectrum using FHT // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length // phasesq != 0 requests computation of phases // phase[i] is in f[n-i] (i=1...n/2-1) // phase[0] == 0, phase[n/2] == 0 // output is not normalized // ========== HEADER FILE src/fht/fht2d.h: ========== // -------- 2-dimensional transform: // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/skipfht.cc: ----- void skip_fht(double *f, ulong n, ulong d, double *w); // Compute fast Hartley transform (FHT) of the n elements // [0], [d], [2d], [3d],..., [(n-1)*d] void skip_fht0(double *f, ulong n, ulong d, double *w); // Compute fast Hartley transform (FHT) of the n elements // [0], [d], [2d], [3d],..., [(n-1)*d] // where the second have are zero. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/twodimfht.cc: ----- void row_column_fht(double *f, ulong nr, ulong nc); // aux // FHT over rows and columns. // This is _not_ a 2-dimensional FHT. // nr := number of rows // nc := number of columns void y_transform(double *f, ulong nr, ulong nc); // aux // Transforms row-column-FHT to 2-dimensional FHT. // Self-inverse. // nr := number of rows // nc := number of columns void twodim_fht(double *f, ulong nr, ulong nc); // 2-dimensional fast Hartley transform (FHT) // nr := number of rows // nc := number of columns // ========== HEADER FILE src/fht/fhtloc2.h: ========== void fht_loc_dif2_core(Type *f, ulong ldn); // Fast Hartley transform (FHT). // Recursive decimation in frequency (DIF) algorithm. // Excellent performance for large array sizes. void fht_loc_dit2_core(Type *f, ulong ldn); // Fast Hartley transform (FHT). // Recursive decimation in time (DIT) algorithm. // Excellent performance for large array sizes. // inlines give default implementations: inline void fht_loc(Type *f, ulong ldn); inline void fht0_loc(Type *f, ulong ldn); // ========== HEADER FILE src/fht/hartleyshift.h: ========== inline void hartley_shift_05_v1(Type *f, ulong n); // Hartley transform analogue to fourier_shift(f, n, 0.5) // n := length of array // Used for negacyclic convolution and recursive FHTs. // Self-inverse. inline void hartley_shift_05_v1rec(Type *f, ulong n); // Same as hartley_shift_05_v1() but with trigonometric recursion. inline void hartley_shift_05_v2(Type *f, ulong n); // Optimized version, n must be a power of 2. inline void hartley_shift_05_v2rec(Type *f, ulong n); // Optimized version, n must be a power of 2. // Same as hartley_shift_05_v2() but with trigonometric recursion. // inlines give default implementation: inline void hartley_shift_05(Type *a, ulong n); // ========== HEADER FILE src/fht/shortfhtdifcore.h: ========== inline void fht_dif_core_2(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 2 inline void fht_dif_core_4(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 4 inline void fht_dif_core_8(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 8 inline void fht_dif_core_16(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 16 inline void fht_dif_core_32(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 32 inline void fht_dif_core_64(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 64 inline void fht_dif_core_leq_64(Type *f, ulong n); // Must have n \in {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64} // ========== HEADER FILE src/fht/shortfhtditcore.h: ========== inline void fht_dit_core_2(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 2 inline void fht_dit_core_4(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 4 inline void fht_dit_core_8(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 8 inline void fht_dit_core_16(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 16 inline void fht_dit_core_32(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 32 inline void fht_dit_core_64(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 64 // ========== HEADER FILE src/fht/slowht.h: ========== // -------- Slow algorithms: // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/slowht.cc: ----- void slow_ht(double *f, ulong n); // (slow) Hartley transform. void slow_ht(Complex *f, ulong n); // (slow) Hartley transform. void slow_row_column_ht(double *f, ulong nr, ulong nc); void slow_twodim_ht(double *f, ulong nr, ulong nc); // (slow) 2-dimensional Hartley transform. // ----- SRCFILE=src/fht/recfht2.cc: ----- static void recursive_fht_dit2_core(const double *a, ulong n, double *x); void recursive_fht_dit2(double *a, ulong ldn); // Very inefficient, just to demonstrate the // recursive fast Hartley transform static void recursive_fht_dif2_core(const double *a, ulong n, double *x); void recursive_fht_dif2(double *a, ulong ldn); // Very inefficient, just to demonstrate the // recursive fast Hartley transform