// -*- C++ -*- // automatically generated by autodoc // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/even2lower.h: ========== inline void even2lower(Type *f, ulong n); // With the input (comma at middle of array): // [e0 o0 e1 o1 e2 o3 ..., E0 O0 E1 O1 E2 O2 ... ] // obtain: // [e0 E0 e1 E1 e2 E3 ..., o0 O0 o1 O1 o2 O2 ... ] // Self-inverse. // n must be even. inline void even2lower_rev(Type *f, ulong n); // Similar to even2lower() but the order of the swapped elements is reversed. // Self-inverse. // n must be even. inline void odd2lower(Type *f, ulong n); // With the input (comma at middle of array): // [e0 o0 e1 o1 e2 o3 ..., E0 O0 E1 O1 E2 O2 ... ] // obtain: // [O0 o0 O1 o1 O2 o3 ..., E0 e0 E1 e1 E2 e2 ... ] // Self-inverse. // n must be even. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/fact2perm-swp-apply.h: ========== void ffact2perm_swp_apply(const ulong *fc, ulong n, Type *x); // Permute x by permutation corresponding to ffact2perm_swp(). void ffact2invperm_swp_apply(const ulong *fc, ulong n, Type *x); // Permute x by permutation corresponding to ffact2invperm_swp(). void rfact2perm_swp_apply(const ulong *fc, ulong n, Type *x); // Permute x by permutation corresponding to rfact2perm_swp(). void rfact2invperm_swp_apply(const ulong *fc, ulong n, Type *x); // Permute x by permutation corresponding to rfact2invperm_swp(). // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/graypermute.h: ========== inline void gray_permute(const Type *f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // Put Gray permutation of f[] to g[], i.e. g[gray_code(k)] == f[k] inline void inverse_gray_permute(const Type *f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // Put inverse Gray permutation of f[] to g[], i.e. g[k] == f[gray_code(k)] // (same as: g[inverse_gray_code(k)] == f[k]) void gray_permute(Type *f, ulong n); // Gray permutation, in-place version // the only difference to inverse_gray_permute() // is the 'do cycle' block void inverse_gray_permute(Type *f, ulong n); // Inverse Gray permutation, in-place version // the only difference to gray_permute() // is the 'do cycle' block // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/grayrevpermute.h: ========== inline void gray_rev_permute(const Type *f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // gray_rev_permute() =^= // { reverse(); gray_permute(); } inline void inverse_gray_rev_permute(const Type *f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // inverse of gray_rev_permute() // inverse_gray_rev_permute() =^= // { inverse_gray_permute(); reverse(); } void gray_rev_permute(Type *f, ulong n); // n must be a power of 2, n<=2**(BITS_PER_LONG-2) void inverse_gray_rev_permute(Type *f, ulong n); // n must be a power of 2, n<=BITS_PER_LONG-2 // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/haarpermute.h: ========== void haar_permute(Type *f, ulong n); // Reorder autoput of inplace_haar() as in haar() // To be called after inplace_haar() void inverse_haar_permute(Type *f, ulong n); // Reorder autoput of inverse_inplace_haar() as in inverse_haar() // To be called before inverse_inplace_haar() // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/perm-genus.h: ========== inline ulong perm_genus(const ulong *p, ulong n, // permutation and length; ulong *cpi, // scratch space for rotated inverse permutation bitarray *B = nullptr) // The genus g(P) of a permutation P of [1,2,...,n] is defined by // g(P)=(1/2)*(n+1-Z(P)-Z(C P')), where P' is the inverse permutation of P, // C = [2,3,4,...,n,1] = (1,2,...,n) (cyclic shift), // and Z(P) is the number of cycles of the permutation P. // (taken from http://oeis.org/A177267) inline void genus0_perm_to_paren(const ulong *p, ulong n,; char *c, const char s[2]="1.") // For a permutation p[] of genus zero, write the corresponding // parenthesis string into c[] (which must have 2*n elements). // Permutations of genus 0 can be identified with noncrossing set partitions. // s[0] is used for "open paren", s[1] for "close paren". // For example, the strings for the 4-permutations with genus-0 are // // #: perm genus cycles bits parens // 0: [ . 1 2 3 ] 0 (0) (1) (2) (3) ()()()() // 1: [ . 1 3 2 ] 0 (0) (1) (2, 3) 1.1.11.. ()()(()) // 2: [ . 2 1 3 ] 0 (0) (1, 2) (3) 1.11..1. ()(())() // 3: [ . 2 3 1 ] 0 (0) (1, 2, 3) 1.11.1.. ()(()()) // 4: [ . 3 1 2 ] 1 (0) (1, 3, 2) // 5: [ . 3 2 1 ] 0 (0) (1, 3) (2) 1.111... ()((())) // 6: [ 1 . 2 3 ] 0 (0, 1) (2) (3) 11..1.1. (())()() // 7: [ 1 . 3 2 ] 0 (0, 1) (2, 3) 11..11.. (())(()) // 8: [ 1 2 . 3 ] 0 (0, 1, 2) (3) 11.1..1. (()())() // 9: [ 1 2 3 . ] 0 (0, 1, 2, 3) 11.1.1.. (()()()) // 10: [ 1 3 . 2 ] 1 (0, 1, 3, 2) // 11: [ 1 3 2 . ] 0 (0, 1, 3) (2) 11.11... (()(())) // 12: [ 2 . 1 3 ] 1 (0, 2, 1) (3) // 13: [ 2 . 3 1 ] 1 (0, 2, 3, 1) // 14: [ 2 1 . 3 ] 0 (0, 2) (1) (3) 111...1. ((()))() // 15: [ 2 1 3 . ] 0 (0, 2, 3) (1) 111..1.. ((())()) // 16: [ 2 3 . 1 ] 1 (0, 2) (1, 3) // 17: [ 2 3 1 . ] 1 (0, 2, 1, 3) // 18: [ 3 . 1 2 ] 1 (0, 3, 2, 1) // 19: [ 3 . 2 1 ] 1 (0, 3, 1) (2) // 20: [ 3 1 . 2 ] 1 (0, 3, 2) (1) // 21: [ 3 1 2 . ] 0 (0, 3) (1) (2) 111.1... ((()())) // 22: [ 3 2 . 1 ] 1 (0, 3, 1, 2) // 23: [ 3 2 1 . ] 0 (0, 3) (1, 2) 1111.... (((()))) // // In fact, every partition is converted to a valid parenthesis string // (so this routine gives a projection). // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/perm2ccf.h: ========== // ----- SRCFILE=src/perm/perm2ccf.cc: ----- void perm2ccf(const ulong *p, ulong n, ulong *c, bitarray *tb/*=0*/); // Convert permutation in p[] (array form) into // canonical cycle form (CCF), written to c[]. // Example: // The permutation [4,3,2,0,1,9,8,5,6,7] has the // cycles (0,4,1,3) (2) (5,9,7) (6,8). // Writing the cycles such that each ends with its minimum // and sorting with respect to minima (last elements) gives // (4,1,3,0) (2) (9,7,5) (8,6) and the CCF is // [4,1,3,0, 2, 9,7,5, 8,6]. void ccf2perm(const ulong *c, ulong n, ulong *p, bitarray *tb/*=0*/); // Convert permutation in canonical cycle form (CCF) in c[] into // array form, written to p[]. void print_ccf(const char *bla, const ulong *c, ulong n, bitarray *tb/*=0*/); // Print cycles of c[], interpreted as canonical cycle form (CCF). // The minimal element of each cycle is printed last. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permapply.h: ========== void apply_permutation(const ulong *x, const Type *f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // Apply the permutation x[] to the array f[], // i.e. set g[x[k]] <-- f[k] for all k void apply_permutation(const ulong *x, Type * restrict f, ulong n, bitarray *bp=nullptr); // Apply the permutation x[] to the array f[] // i.e. set f[x[k]] <-- f[k] for all k // In-place version. void apply_inverse_permutation(const ulong *x, const Type *f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // Apply the inverse permutation of x[] to the array f[] // i.e. set g[k] <-- f[x[k]] for all k // // E.g. after // idx_quick_sort(f, n, x); apply(x, f, g, n); // g[] == sorted( f[] ) //. // If f[] is a permutation, then after sort_idx() // x[] is its inverse and // idx_quick_sort(f, n, x); apply_inverse_permutation(f, x, g, n); // (note that x, f are swapped in apply_inverse_permutation()) // will make x[] == sorted( f[] ) // ... i.e. x * f == f * x // void apply_inverse_permutation(const ulong *x, Type * restrict f, ulong n, bitarray *bp= nullptr); // Apply the inverse permutation of x[] to the array f[] // i.e. set f[k] <-- f[x[k]] for all k // In-place version. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permapplyfunc.h: ========== void apply_permutation(ulong (*x)(ulong), const Type *f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // Set g[x(k)] <-- f[k] for all k // Must have: 0<=x(k)k. // If eq==false then return number of k such that f[k]f[j] // Algorithm is O(n^2). ulong count_inversions(const ulong *f, ulong n, left_right_array *tLR); // Return number of inversions in f[], // i.e. number of pairs k,j where kf[j] // Version for large arrays, algorithm is O(n*log_2(n)) bool is_derangement(const ulong *f, ulong n); // Return whether f[] is a derangement of identity, // i.e. whether f[k]!=k for all k bool is_derangement(const ulong *f, const ulong *g, ulong n); // Return whether f[] is a derangement of g[], // i.e. whether f[k]!=g[k] for all k bool is_connected(const ulong *f, ulong n); // Return whether permutation is connected (indecomposable), // i.e. whether {f[0],f[1],...,f[k]} != {0,...,k} for all k f[2] < f[3] > ... bool is_cyclic(const ulong *f, ulong n); // Return whether permutation is exactly one cycle. bool is_valid_permutation(const ulong *f, ulong n, bitarray *bp/*=nullptr*/); // Return whether all values 0...n-1 appear exactly once, // i.e. whether f represents a permutation of [0,1,...,n-1]. bool is_involution(const ulong *f, ulong n, bool hint/*=false*/); // Return whether max cycle length is <= 2, // i.e. whether f * f = id. // Set hint to true if the permutation is expected to be // an involution bool is_inverse(const ulong *f, const ulong *g, ulong n, bool hint/*=false*/); // Return whether f[] is the inverse of g[]. // Set hint to true if the permutations are expected to be // mutual inverses. bool is_square(const ulong *f, const ulong *g, ulong n); // Return whether f * f == g as a permutation ulong get_index(const ulong *f, ulong n); // Return index of permutation. ulong count_transpositions(const ulong *f, ulong n, bitarray *bp/*=nullptr*/); // Return minimal number of transpositions required for the permutation. // The lowest bit of the return value is the parity of the permutation. ulong count_cycles(const ulong *f, ulong n, bitarray *bp/*=nullptr*/); ulong major_index(const ulong *f, ulong n); bool is_simple(const ulong *f, ulong n); // Return whether permutation is simple. // A permutation is simple if the only intervals that are mapped to an // interval of the same length is the full permutation and the singletons. // Cf. OEIS sequence A111111. // Complexity is O(n^2). // functions for the application of permutations to data // are found in perm/permapply.h // functions for random permutations // are found in perm/permrand.h // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-2cycles.h: ========== inline void init_harmonic(double *b, ulong n); // Set b[k] = sum( j=1, k+1, 1/j ) inline void random_permute_2cycles(Type *f, ulong n,; double *tb=nullptr, bool bi=false) // Permute the n elements of f[] by a random permutation // consisting of exactly two cycles (must have n>=2). // Set bi:=true to signal that the sums tb[k] = sum( j=1, k+1, 1/j ) // have been precomputed (via init_harmonic()). inline void random_2cycles_permutation(Type *f, ulong n,; double *tb=nullptr, bool bi=false) // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-connected.h: ========== inline void random_connected_permutation(ulong *f, ulong n); // Create a random connected (indecomposable) permutation. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-cycle-type.h: ========== inline ulong random_cycle(Type *f, ulong cl, ulong *r, ulong nr); // Permute a random subset (of size cl) // of those elements in f whose positions are given in // r[0], ..., r[nr-1] by a random cycle of size cl. // Must have nr >= cl and cl != 0. // Complexity O(cl). inline void random_permute_cycle_type(Type *f, ulong n, const ulong *c,; ulong *tr=nullptr) // Permute the elements of f by a random permutation of prescribed cycle type. // The permutation will have c[k] cycles of length k+1. // Must have s <= n where s := sum(k=0, n-1, c[k]). // If s < n then the permutation will have n-s fixed points. // Complexity O(n). inline void random_cycle_type_permutation(ulong *p, ulong n, const ulong *c,; ulong *tr=nullptr) // Create a random permutation with prescribed cycle type. // Complexity O(n). inline void random_permute_cycle_type(Type *f, ulong n,; const ulong *m, ulong nm, const ulong *len, ulong *tr=nullptr) // Permute the elements of f by a random permutation of // prescribed cycle type given as partition: // The permutation will have m[k] cycles of length len[k] // where k = 0,1,...,nm-1. // Must have s <= n where s := sum(k=0, nm-1, m[k]*len[k]). // If s < n then the permutation will have n-s fixed points. // Complexity O(n). inline void random_cycle_type_permutation(ulong *p, ulong n,; const ulong *m, ulong nm, const ulong *len, ulong *tr=nullptr) // Create a random permutation with prescribed cycle type. // Complexity O(n). // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-cyclic.h: ========== void random_permute_cyclic(Type *f, ulong n); // Permute the elements of f by a random cyclic permutation. inline void random_cyclic_permutation(ulong *f, ulong n); // Create a random permutation that is cyclic. void random_permute_positions_cyclic(Type *f, ulong np, const ulong *ps); // Randomly permute the np elements f[ps[0]], f[ps[1], ..., f[ps[np-1]] // by a cyclic permutation. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-derange.h: ========== inline void init_derange_branch_ratios(double *b); // Precompute branching probabilities for random derangements. // n == 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ... // b[] == 0, 1, 0, 0.3333, 0.1818, 0.1698, 0.1423, 0.1250, ... // b[n-1] == (n-1) * D(n-2) / D(n) inline double derange_branch_ratio(const double *b, ulong n); // Reurn probability for closing cycle with n elements. inline void random_derange(Type *f, ulong n,; ulong *tr=nullptr, double *tb=nullptr, bool bi=false) // Permute the elements of f by a random derangement. // Set bi:=true to signal that the branch probabilities in tb[] // have been precomputed (via init_derange_branch_ratios()). // Must have n > 1. inline void random_derangement(ulong *f, ulong n,; ulong *tr=nullptr, double *tb=nullptr, bool bi=false) // Create a random permutation that has no fixed points (a derangement). // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-derange3.h: ========== inline void init_derange3_branch_ratios(double *b, ulong N); // Precompute branching probabilities for random derangements // with all cycles of length >= 3. // n == 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, // 0, 0, 1, 1, 3/4, 16/19, 95/107, 321/361, // b[] == [0, 0, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.8421, 0.8878, 0.8891, // b[n-2] == (n-1) * D3(n-1) / D3(n) (i.e. offset=2) inline void random_derange3(Type *f, ulong n,; ulong *tr=nullptr, double *tb=nullptr, bool bi=false) // Permute the elements of f by a random derangement // with all cycles of length >= 3. // Set bi:=true to signal that the branch probabilities in tb[] // have been precomputed (via init_derange3_branch_ratios()). // Must have n >= 3. inline void random_derangement3(ulong *f, ulong n,; ulong *tr=nullptr, double *tb=nullptr, bool bi=false) // Create a random derangement with all cycle lengthes >=3. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-inv-mod-m.h: ========== inline void perm_fix_inv_mod(ulong *x, ulong n,; ulong r, ulong m, ulong *tfc=nullptr) // Adjust permutation x[] such that (i%m)==r // where i is the number of inversions. // Must have: 2 <= m <= n and 0 <= r < m. inline void random_inv_mod_m_permutation(ulong *p, ulong n,; ulong r, ulong m, ulong *tfc=nullptr) // Create random permutation p[] such that (i%m)==r // where i is the number of inversions. // Must have: 2 <= m <= n and 0 <= r < m. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-ncm2.h: ========== void random_permute_ncm2(Type *x, ulong n, ulong r, ulong *tf=nullptr); // Apply random permutation with number of cycles == r mod 2 // ncm2 := Number of Cycles Modulo 2 // Must have n>=2. inline void random_ncm2_permutation(ulong *p, ulong n, ulong r, ulong *tf=nullptr); // Generate a random permutation with number of cycles == r mod 2 // ncm2 := Number of Cycles Modulo 2 // Must have n>=2. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-ord.h: ========== inline void random_ord01_permutation(ulong *p, ulong n); // Random permutation such that elements 0 and 1 are in order. inline void random_ordk_permutation(ulong *p, ulong n, ulong k); // Random permutation such that the k smallest elements are in order. // Must have k<=n. inline void random_lastk_permutation(ulong *p, ulong n, ulong k); // Random permutation such that 0 appears as last of the k smallest elements. // Must have k<=n. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-parity.h: ========== void random_permute_parity(Type *f, ulong n, bool par); // Randomly permute the elements of f, such that the // parity of the permutation equals par. // I.e. the minimal number of transpositions of the // permutation is even if par==0, else odd. // Note: with n<=1 there is no odd permutation. inline void random_parity_permutation(ulong *f, ulong n, bool par); // Create a random permutation. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-pref.h: ========== void random_permute_pref(Type *f, ulong n, ulong m); // Set the first m elements to a prefix of a random permutation. // Same as: set the first m elements of f to a random permutation // of a random selection of all n elements. // Must have m<=n-1. // Same as random_permute() if m>=n-1. inline void random_pref_permutation(ulong *f, ulong n, ulong m); // Create a length-m random permutation // of a random selection of m form all n elements. // Must have m<=n. // Same as random_permutation() if m>=n-1. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/permrand-sdc.h: ========== inline void random_sdc_permutation(ulong *p, ulong n,; const ulong *d, ulong nd, ulong *tv=nullptr) // sdc := Sets into Distinct Cycles. // // Let NN={0,1,...,n-1}, // S0 be the set of the d[0] smallest elements of NN, // S1 be the set of the d[1] smallest elements of NN \ S0 // S2 be the set of the d[2] smallest elements of NN \ { S0 union S1 } // and so on. // Let m0 = min(S0), m1 = min(S1) etc., // write a< // inline void foo_perm_8(Type *f) // { Type t=f[1]; f[1]=f[4]; f[4]=f[2]; f[2]=t; } // { Type t=f[3]; f[3]=f[5]; f[5]=f[6]; f[6]=t; } // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/radixpermute.h: ========== void radix_permute(Type *f, ulong n, ulong r); // // Swap all pairs of elements with index pairs i, j where the // radix-r representation of i and j are mutually // digit-reversed (e.g. 436 <--> 634) // // Radix-r generalization of revbin_permute(): // revbin_permute(f, n) does the same as radix_permute(f, n, 2) // // Must have: n == r**x for some x>=1 and r >= 2 // // Original by Andre Piotrowski. // This optimized version avoids the (n*log(n)) divisions // by using two size-BITS_PER_LONG tables NT[], KT[] // // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/revbinpermute.h: ========== void revbin_permute(Type *f, ulong n); // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/revbinpermute0.h: ========== void revbin_permute0(Type *f, ulong n); // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/reverse.h: ========== inline void reverse(Type *f, ulong n); // Reverse order of array f. inline void reverse_0(Type *f, ulong n); // Reverse array around index zero. // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/rotate.h: ========== void rotate_left(Type *f, ulong n, ulong s); // Rotate towards element #0 // Shift is taken modulo n void rotate_right(Type *f, ulong n, ulong s); // Rotate away from element #0 // Shift is taken modulo n void rotate_left1(Type *f, ulong n); // Rotate towards element #0, by one position. // =^= rotate_left(f, n, 1); void rotate_right1(Type *f, ulong n); // Rotate away from element #0, by one position. // =^= rotate_right(f, n, 1); void rotate_sgn(Type *f, ulong n, long s); // Positive s --> shift away from element zero // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/shortgraypermute.h: ========== inline void gray_permute_2(Type */*f*/); // unrolled version for length 2 inline void gray_permute_4(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 4 inline void gray_permute_8(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 8 inline void gray_permute_16(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 16 inline void gray_permute_32(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 32 inline void gray_permute_64(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 64 inline void inverse_gray_permute_2(Type */*f*/); // unrolled version for length 2 inline void inverse_gray_permute_4(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 4 inline void inverse_gray_permute_8(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 8 inline void inverse_gray_permute_16(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 16 inline void inverse_gray_permute_32(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 32 inline void inverse_gray_permute_64(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 64 // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/shortrevbinpermute.h: ========== inline void revbin_permute_4(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 4 inline void revbin_permute_8(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 8 inline void revbin_permute_16(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 16 inline void revbin_permute_32(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 32 inline void revbin_permute_64(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 64 inline void revbin_permute_leq_64(Type *f, ulong n); // Must have n \in {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64} // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/shortrevbinpermute0.h: ========== inline void revbin_permute0_4(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 4 inline void revbin_permute0_8(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 8 inline void revbin_permute0_16(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 16 inline void revbin_permute0_32(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 32 inline void revbin_permute0_64(Type *f); // unrolled version for length 64 inline void revbin_permute0_leq_64(Type *f, ulong n); // Must have n \in {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64} // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/swapblocks.h: ========== void swap_blocks(Type *f, ulong x1, ulong n1, ulong x2, ulong n2); // Swap the blocks starting at indices x1 and x2, // n1 and n2 are the block lengths. void inverse_swap_blocks(Type *f, ulong x1, ulong n1, ulong x2, ulong n2); // Inverse of swap_blocks(f, x1, n1, x2, n2). // Same effect as swap_blocks(f, x1, n2, x2+n2-n1, n1). // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/xorpermute.h: ========== inline void xor_permute(Type *f, ulong n, ulong x); // Self-inverse. // n must be divisible by the smallest power of 2 // that is greater than x // e.g. x=1 --> n must be even // e.g. x=2,3 --> n must be divisible by four // With n a power of 2 and x even indices // upper half --> odd indices // n must be a power of 2. // same as transposing the array as 2 x n/2 - matrix // useful to combine real/imag part into a Complex array // called by real_imag_to_complex() void unzip(double *f, ulong n); // inverse of zip(): // put part of data with even indices // sorted into the lower half, // odd part into the upper half // n must be a power of 2. // same as transposing the array as n/2 x 2 - matrix // useful to separate real/imag part from a Complex array // called by complex_to_real_imag() void zip(const Type * restrict f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // zip-permutation: // lower half --> even indices // upper half --> odd indices // n must be even. //. // Same as transposing the array as 2 x n/2 - matrix. void zip(Type *f, ulong n); // zip-permutation, in-place version. // n must be a power of 2. //. // Useful to combine real/imag part into a complex array. void unzip(const Type * restrict f, Type * restrict g, ulong n); // unzip-permutation: // even indices --> lower half // odd indices --> upper half // n must be even. // Inverse of zip(). //. // Same as transposing the array as n/2 x 2 - matrix void unzip(Type *f, ulong n); // unzip-permutation, in-place version. // n must be a power of 2 //. // Useful to separate a complex array into real/imag part // ========== HEADER FILE src/perm/ziprev.h: ========== void zip_rev(const Type * restrict x, Type * restrict y, ulong n); // reordering needed for fht based inverse dct // n must be even void zip_rev(Type *x, ulong n); // in-place version // n must be a power of 2 void unzip_rev(const Type * restrict x, Type * restrict y, ulong n); // reordering needed for fht based dct // n must be even void unzip_rev(Type *x, ulong n); // in-place version // n must be a power of 2