About Me
Name: Shouran Ma
Location: Lund, Sweden
GitHub: Shouran Ma (OChicken)
Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, German

I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in LTH Lund, focusing on side-channel attack to PQC.
Prior to that, I studied theoretical physics (condensed matter theory) in RWTH Aachen and graduated as a M.Sc.
Prior to that, I studied applied physics in SCUT South China University of Technology and graduated as a B.Sc.
Prior to that, I studied in Guangzhou No.2 High School.
Prior to that, I studied in Guangzhou Yingyuan (应元) middle school, in which I got the funny name OChicken (O鸡)
Tech Stack
Operation system | Arch Linux |
Editor | GNU Emacs |
Programming language | C, Python, Emacs Lisp |
2023.11.14: Share my Emacs workspace, its code is in this repo.
2023.10.31: The web version of HCWSA is available.
2023.10.11: HCWSA: Handbuch der Chinesischen Wissenschaftler und Studenten in Aachen version 2023 is released.
2023.06.22: I was admitted as a PhD candidate in LTH Lund.
2023.04.24: The master thesis won a prize in OpenMPC Hackathon, and will be warded 10,000 CNY (~ 1290 EUR).
2023.02.22: Passed the master colloquium.
2022.12.24: Completed the master thesis: HECTR (Leveled) Homomorphic Encrypted Model Predictive Control.
2022.10.31: Release GPQHE as a side-project of the master thesis.